Full mouth dental implants cost in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
Implants – Porcelain Bridge – All top and bottom teeth with 10-14 pieces bridge each.

The treatment for a full mouth dental implants restoration is split in 2 trips with six month apart. Total cost for the full mouth implants top and bottom USD$22,000.
First trip: patients need to be here at least 13 days. We will include free medication (pain killers, antibiotics) a set of temporary dentures if needed, extractions and bone graft for the extractions sites.
We place from 6 to 8 implants on the top and 6 to 8 on the bottom; these implants will hold a Porcelain Bridge with 10 to 14 teeth each. The cost for this first part of the treatment is USD$11,000. We place the implants for one arch the first appointment and it takes about 2 hours, We let the patient rest for 2-3 days and place the rest of the implants for the bottom. So one day for the top and another day for the bottom.
Six days later we make the dentures that patients will wear for 6 month while the implants heal.
Second trip: after 6 month of healing for the implants. Patients need to be here at least 22 days; it will take from 4 to 6 appointments to complete this dental work.
On this second trip we will make porcelain bridges with 10 to 14 teeth each arch. The cost for this second part of the treatment is USD$11,000.
Total spent in this two trips USD$22,000 .Keeping a good health habits and following our cleaning and maintenance recommendations these implants can last over 15 Years.